When your parents choose to age in place, you may think they’re limiting their options for the help they receive. You may have the idea that a nursing home is the best option for your seniors who need regular checkups, but that’s not true anymore. There are thousands of seniors, and maybe even more, who choose to age in place rather than uproot their lives for a nursing home.
Luckily there are tons of options for home health care, and you can create a team of professionals who will help care for your seniors while they age at home. During a person’s final stages of life, they will need tons of help at home that you may not be able to provide them with. You will want to hire a caregiver, doctors, nurses, physical therapists, counselors, nutritionists, etc. You have all of these options for home health care, but you’ll want to know the difference between each professional to make the best choices. All seniors are different and have various needs depending on their conditions and diseases.
A patient’s options for home health care services are almost endless. Care might vary from nursing care to specialized health treatment such as laboratory workups, depending on the patient’s circumstances. You can help a senior consult with their doctor to figure out what kind of services your loved one may need. Here are a few options to choose from.
At Home Doctor Care

A doctor may pay a visit to a patient to diagnose and treat the ailment. They may also do an evaluation of the home care requirements. Not all doctors will do home visits, so it is crucial that you help your senior find one willing to provide this service and someone who knows all of the conditions of your senior.
Nursing Care at Home
Depending on the individual’s requirements, nursing care is the most popular kind of care for seniors aging in place. A licensed nurse will create a care plan collaborating with the doctor or professional. Nursing care may involve wound dressing, ostomy care, intravenous treatment, drug administration, monitoring of the patient’s overall health, pain management, and other health assistance. It’s a good option for seniors working with caregivers already.
Occupational, Physical, Or Speech Therapists
Following an illness or accident, some seniors may need assistance relearning how to do everyday tasks or improve their voice. A physical therapist may devise a treatment plan to assist a patient in regaining or strengthening the use of muscles and joints. An occupational therapist may help a patient with physical, developmental, social, or emotional problems in relearning everyday skills such as eating, bathing, dressing, and other activities. A speech therapist can assist a patient with slurred speech in regaining the capacity to speak coherently.
Medical Social Services
Something you may not have heard of in the home health care category is medical social services. These professionals provide various services to the patient, such as counseling and accessing community resources to aid in the patient’s rehabilitation. They can be a huge help for seniors choosing to age in place.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Health Care in South Tampa, FL , please contact the caring staff at R.B. Home Health Services, Inc today. 305-220-6309